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decorate Healthy food for child

Nutrition experts stressed the importance of decorating food to children, especially children who are hard to please and teach them the rules of nutrition in a simple way ..

.The About the Supper includes: milk (group 1); Pain (group 2); stewed plums (paste only the fortunes children) (Group 4): biscuits (Omit children younger CASE) (Group 5) Healthy food .

FOOD GROUP NO. 1. Milk and plates mainly based information; Fish, poultry food recipes healthy, eggs and meat substitutes decorate food recipes healthy.

Different foods mentioned in the title of this group have enough in common to justify together. However, milk is an important food, such as children Healthy food , it should speak for itself food recipes healthy.

MILK served by other means.

The milk is the natural food for babies and the most important food for young children. A liter of milk a day is a good child allowance decorate food recipes healthy.

 The milk can also be used Healthy food?  

Much of what is generally given as a drink or used on cereal or in the form of bread and milk Healthy food . The milk can also be used in fruits that are not very acidic (stewed pears or apples, berries and others), in soups, sauces, cream, curd food recipes healthy, and other desserts, and can be used instead of water in the kitchen grains decorate food recipes healthy.

Milk, being a liquid, a beverage, for those who do not understand their value as food is sometimes classified with water, tea and coffee, as well food recipes healthy. This is a big mistake decorate food recipes healthy.  

If all the water had to be brought to a quarter of tea or coffee, almost nothing left and what was left would have little or no value as food.
 as well food recipes..

If, on the other hand Healthy food , water was chased by a quarter of whole milk food recipes healthy, which was left over half cup best food substances decorate food recipes healthy, including butter fat, a type of sugar is not as sweet as granulated sugar and known as " milk sugar "and also the materials needed to make the muscles food recipes healthy, bones, teeth and other body parts. All these substances are generally floating valuable food dissolved in water or milk.

Besides all this food, milk contains a very small amount of a substance amount now believed to help the body of the child to make good use of other foods. Therefore, milk is often called "growth promotion". Apparently, nothing can be used as well as the staple of healthy children Healthy food .

Good whole milk is desirable, but if a mother is forced to choose between clean milk and rich milk, had better take clean milk. Best of all, of course Healthy food , is the appropriate whole milk, but if this can not be achieved, it is preferable to use skim milk fresh clean all dirty or questionable milk decorate food recipes healthy. A liter of skim milk, skim milk contains about the same separator third cup of solid food, which is almost all that is in whole milk, with the exception of butterfat Healthy food .

When it is absolutely impossible to get fresh milk, condensed milk, powdered or evaporated can be used, but before doing so parents should try by all means to get fresh milk for their children decorate Healthy food.

Compared with most other foods milk contains a lot of lime, but very little iron. Spinach and other green and yellow vegetables to eggs food recipes healthy, Healthy food however, rich in iron. This is one reason why the combination of egg yolks and milk and vegetables and milk are so often mentioned in this newsletter.

When milk is given to infants usually taken cold from it Healthy food . Is it safe to this all young children. When drinking milk is used, it should be sipped, not swallowed.

Besides being used as a beverage decorate food recipes healthy, milk is often combined with many other foods, as follows:

The bread and milk.

This may well be the main, if not the only dish in young children dinner Healthy food . If milk is not rich, the bread should be spread with butter. Use bread baked at least one day old, or toast, or sometimes cookies decorate .

Cereal and milk.

Cooked cereal served once a day for the first course and dessert afore encourage the use of milk. Indications for their preparation are found on page 15. Any grain can be cooked in milk, besides being served with. Skim milk that might otherwise be discarded can be used the goal food recipes healthy. Rice, cooked in a water bath outdoors, or in a pan in the very "slow" oven can do to absorb about six times its volume of skimmed milk. To cook a cup of rice in this way rather than in the water can be considered equivalent in terms of materials to serve with meat half pound lean beef forming fabric Healthy food .

Milk Toast.

The following is a good method forma king milk toast food recipes healthy. Put on the table crusty warm bread toast or baked twice (see page 15) and a pitcher of warm milk, slightly salty Healthy food .

 A quarter teaspoon of salt in a cup of milk is enough. Pour milk on toast, if necessary, using hot bowls or deep dishes for service Healthy food .

 This is the best way to serve toast milk, and if care to ensure that all dishes and hot milk salt is taken Healthy food , it is usually acceptable. A provision of twice baked bread can be kept on hand and heated if necessary to crisp it Healthy food .

This food well..  

Another way to toast baked milk is to thicken the milk and pour over toast food recipes healthy. For cup of milk provides a level of $ teaspoons flour and \ teaspoon salt.  

Make a smooth paste of flour Healthy food , salt and a little milk. Heat the remaining milk; Mix and boil add the flour and milk for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly, cook for 20 minutes or water bath Healthy food , stirring constantly early and often later.
If the skimmed milk is used, you must add Healthy food a level tablespoon butter or bacon fat coffee after preparing the sauce Healthy food .

A simpler and faster to make gravy or "juice milk" is cooking meal in the bottom one tablespoon of fat before adding the milk. This, however, decorate food recipes healthy not considered safe for the type of sauce Healthy food , in which the flour is cooked in milk.

milk juice can be combined with dried meat or cod poops small and hot water soaked unexpected salvation, or small pieces of tender meat, chicken Healthy food , fish or vegetables .  

This sauce can be served with toast with baked potatoes or boiled, or steamed rice or other grains Healthy food . Dishes like this are more suitable for crupper dinner Healthy food .

Bread pudding with egg yellow hard grated makes an attractive dish. Hard boiled eggs whites are not suitable for a toddler Norfolk all children, unless they are finely chopped or if the child can be taken to chewing Healthy food .


For a change, the cocoa-flavored milk may be used. Cocoa is ready Cabin food recipes healthy, cocoa shells cracked or NHS more convenient, time-consuming boiling, can be used Healthy food .  

A hot drink made primarily of cocoa and water Healthy food , not to be confused with the most nutritious drink made by flavoring chocolate milk, but it has its uses.
As clear soups Healthy food , which contain little meal in itself, can lead the child to eat freely of bread and other foods needed Healthy food .

Milk Scoots.

Another good way to serve milk to children is in soups. Milk vegetable soups are made from cooked vegetables, chopped or tense, which in this way can give even the youngest children, and milk (whole or skim) slightly thickened Healthy food .

The vegetables can be asparagus, peas, beans of all kinds, celery, potatoes, turnips Healthy food , carrots, spinach, kale, chard, beet roots, turnips or green, lettuce, watercress, cauliflower, or whatever Healthy food .

GENERAL MILK RECIPE vegetable soups.

2 cups milk.

1 tablespoon flour.

1 tablespoon butter.


$ A cup of cooked vegetables Healthy food , finely chopped, mashed or put through a sieve decorate food recipes healthy.

Thicken the sauce foremilk milk, flour; add the other ingredients. If soup is too thick as it can be if the plant is starch, thin with milk or water. tomato soup milk is not recommended for younger children. When used some baking soda is added to prevent the milk curdle.

Guise MILK.

1 quart of milk. 2 tablespoons butter or bacon grease.

1 cup raw potatoes cut into small cup of diced pieces of cod food recipes healthy. or just enough to flavor the stew.

Soak the fish in hot water until tender and salt removed Healthy food . Cook potatoes in water until tender, drain, add milk and cod, and bring to a boil; add butter and salt to taste Healthy food .

Instead of any cod or fresh fish, oysters, or some chipped beef can be used decorate food recipes healthy. Or fish may be omitted and the soup is tasty and palatable by adding a few drops of onion juice or cut into small pieces and cooked vegetables.

Desserts cereal milk.

Desserts made with milk and bread, rice or other grain foods have been recognized as desirable in the child's diet .

These milk rice pudding old or Indian pudding can be a way to use a lot of milk in a healthy way Healthy food . The following recipe for rice pudding other recipes can easily be done, the proportions in all cases, being approximately the same:


1 quart of milk.
J cup of rice.
J cup sugar.

^ Scoop teaspoon salt.

w teaspoonful nutmeg or cinnamon or lemon peel J.

Wash rice thoroughly mix the ingredients and cook three hours or more in a very slow oven, stirring occasionally at first.


For a liter of milk provides a third of a cup of any thickness cereal (rice, corn flour, semolina, oats, barley o) and a third of a cup of coffee, white sugar or maple syrup, honey or molasses; half teaspoon of salt; eighth teaspoon of spices food recipes healthy. The flavor can be omitted when honey or molasses is used .

Fish from healthy food .

The above recipe makes quite a pudding. It is often convenient to make a smaller, enough for dinner for a child to do in the bathroom Healthy food , allowing two levels or rounded tablespoon each of cereals and sugar (or other mild) for a cup of milk salt and flavor. Bake one hour or more unfilled Healthy food .

These puddings, if made thin, can be transferred to other fruits and plums Armco good and economical substitute for cream or fresh cream cooked generally used for this purpose Healthy food .

Cream and other dairy desserts.

There are many other dishes milk used in the same way and cereal milk pudding. Recipes for some of them below:

Feast, or "rennet cream" is milk that has been curdled or coagulated Healthy food , similar to the early stages of digestion process Healthy food . Coagulation is achieved by the addition of "tablets" curdled milk. milk with rennet will be, if undisturbed Healthy food , "set" in one piece like a flan. Impale differs little milk in the food value except forth presence of sugar used disfavoring Healthy food , but it gives variety to food. If served very cold it is refreshing in hot weather Healthy food .

 Decorate Recipes for your child The milk can also be used Healthy.. Convince your children to design and determine the forms of the imagination of children 

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