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best super foods for baby

When it comes to feeding your baby?

Breast milk
We've all heard (and heard, and heard) that breastfeeding is best baby food recipes. But the fact that your baby is ready to go beyond the blunder does not mean you should stop breastfeeding.

After all, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AARP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for at least four months (and preferably six months) baby food.

But the organization also recommends breastfeeding until the baby is 12 months - or more, if it works for both mom and baby foods for baby. "Best food for the first year is breast milk," says Lorraine Stern, MD, FAA, co-author of Nutrition: What Every Parent Should Know baby food.
Best breast milk Age: birth and more

iron-fortified cereals
Your baby is born with a natural supply of iron (YA, baby!), But will be exhausted by the time he was about six months old foods for baby, Stern, introducing iron-rich foods is essential said baby food recipes. One that fits perfectly: iron-fortified cereals baby food. It need not be the first meal traditional rice cereal - oatmeal and barley are good choices too - just make sure you start with a grain single formula foods for baby.
Best Age of iron-fortified cereals: four to six months

Best Age of iron-fortified cereals: four to six months

are an excellent first fruit offering your baby because they are loaded with monounsaturated fats (the good kind!) And have a soft and smooth flavor baby food.

They are super easy to prepare too:

Simply crush a ripe avocado with a little breast milk or formula until it reaches a consistency of mashed potatoes baby food.

Best Age for lawyers: Six months and more. 

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